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- *--------------------------------------------------------------------*
- * Library startup module, not as funky as Jimm's example
- * Aztec code, but (hopefully) okay for Aztec 5.0.
- *
- * Note: Register usage has been rearranged to allow
- * library init call with parameters in registers.
- *
- * Based on LibStart.A68 (with some of the bugs taken out),
- * Copyright (C) 1986, 1987 by Manx Software Systems, Inc.
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------*
- INCLUDE 'exec/types.i'
- INCLUDE 'exec/nodes.i'
- INCLUDE 'exec/resident.i'
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------*
- * Here we start the code generation.
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------*
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------*
- * Not executable (also does long word alignment).
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------*
- MOVEQ #-1,D0 ; Fail if run from Shell
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------*
- * Library version, this should match the lib ID string.
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------*
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------*
- * Global symbols (rather in a bunch than sprenkled).
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------*
- PUBLIC _LibRomTag,_LibName,_LibId,_LibInitTab,_LibInit
- PUBLIC _LibMain,.begin,_geta4,__H0_org
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------*
- * The RomTag structure, must be in first hunk.
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------*
- _LibRomTag:
- DC.L _LibRomTag ; Points to beginning of tag
- DC.L _LibEndTag ; Points to end of tag
- DC.B RTF_AUTOINIT ; Auto init library
- DC.B LIBVERSION ; Library version
- DC.B NT_LIBRARY ; This is a library, not a device
- DC.B 0 ; Priority (leave it zero)
- DC.L _LibName ; Pointer to lib name
- DC.L _LibId ; Pointer to lib ID
- DC.L _LibInitTab ; Pointer to library init table
- _LibEndTag:
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------*
- * This is supposed to be the lib entry point.
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------*
- .begin ; First hunk
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------*
- * Set up the lib environment and call the main init routine.
- *
- * Register usage: D0 - APTR to library base
- * A0 - BPTR to library segment list
- *
- * Main init routine is expected to return the library base
- * in D0 if library is ready to be used.
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------*
- _LibInit:
- MOVEM.L D2-D7/A2-A6,-(SP) ; Save registers
- BSR _geta4 ; Get A4
- LEA __H1_end,A1
- LEA __H2_org,A2
- CMP.L A1,A2 ; Check if BSS and DATA together
- BNE Start ; No, don't have to clear
- MOVE.W #((__H2_end-__H2_org)/4)-1,D1
- BMI Start ; Skip if no bss
- MOVEQ #0,D2
- 1$ MOVE.L D2,(A1)+ ; Clear out memory
- DBRA D1,1$
- Start MOVE.L A6,_SysBase ; Put it where we can get it
- JSR _LibMain ; Call 'C' init routine
- MOVEM.L (SP)+,D2-D7/A2-A6 ; Restore registers
- RTS ; And return
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------*
- * Set up A4 to point into the middle of the data segment.
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------*
- _geta4: FAR DATA
- LEA __H1_org+32766,A4
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------*
- * Data segment (globals/hunks).
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------*
- PUBLIC _SysBase,_DOSBase,__H1_org,__H1_end,__H2_org,__H2_end
- BSS _SysBase,4
- BSS _DOSBase,4